Motor Vehicle Retailers of Ontario
MVRO is Driving Relationships Between Ontario’s New Car & Truck Dealers, Consumers and Government MEMBER LOG INThe Motor Vehicle Retailers of Ontario (formerly the Trillium Automobile Dealers Association) have been the voice of Ontario’s new car dealers since 1908. MVRO members generate and support 85,300 jobs and contribute $14 billion in GDP to Ontario’s economy every year.
MVRO Programs
About us

Over 1000 Active Members
MVRO members generated and supported 85,300 jobs in Ontario

1 in 20 of all retail jobs in Ontario are directly sustained by our members
Our Members Make Up One Third of All New Vehicle Dealers in Canada
Event Calendar
A Special Thanks to Our Premier Partners
Join the over 1000 New Car Dealers in Ontario! Get the support and services to help fuel your businesses success as part of the Motor Vehicle Retailers of Ontario.