Student Work Placement Program up to $7,000
College and University Interns Receive up to 100% of Salaries in FundingThe Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) provides businesses a Grant of up to $7,000. Through SWPP businesses are able to hire Co-op and non-Co-op College or University Students. Paid internships are a win-win situation for both parties – the Student gets valuable work experience and receives credits from the College or University for their work placement if they are in a Co-op program, and the Employer is able to hire an employee at a reduced cost. If your company is looking for extra help or would like to build your future workforce consider hiring through SWPP for a 16 week work placement.
What is a the Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) ?
- SWPP is a financial incentive given to Employers to offset the costs of hiring a College or University Co-op or non-Co-op student for a 16 week internship
- Multiple students can be hired through SWPP at the same time
- If the College or University Student is a Co-op Student, the Employee may apply for the SWPP in additional to the Co-op Salary Refund of $3,000
Company Eligibility Requirements:
Company must be in business for a minimum of 1 year
Company must be making payroll deduction from the student including CPP, EP and Income Tax deductions
Funding Amounts
50% of the Student’s salary to a maximum of $5,000. The subsidy is increased to 70% to a maximum of $7,000 for Employers hiring Students from under-represented groups including:
- Women studying Science, Technology, Engineering, Maths (STEM), or business
- Indigenous students
- Visible minorities
- Recent immigrants (within 5 years)
- Persons with disabilities
- Students in their first year of study, or
- Students on their first work-term (relevant to their field of study)
The MVRO supports all of its Dealer Members and their choices as they face difficult decisions about their businesses, including mandated, recommended or voluntary closures.
Click here to access links to the leading sources of credible information, which we hope will assist you with your business and employees.
WE NEED YOUR HELP to have a coordinated campaign asking MPPs that auto retail be one of the first sectors to have restrictions lifted. Click HERE to send your MPP an email!